Dear Ones,

Today we speak of going within.

We have spoken of this before and yet today, we feel we need to help you remember, going within is important to you, your growth, your expansion, and for your spiritual journey.

Going within is where:

  • truth is
  • peace is
  • knowing is
  • the answers to all that is, is located

Spend time each day, going within. The more you do this, the easier you are able to hear the whispers, and feel at peace, no matter what is going on around you.

Going within takes only a moment to get there and can last as long as you would like.

Close your eyes, take as many deep breaths as needed, until you feel a shift. The shift may be:

  • a sigh
  • a longer deep breath
  • a release of tension from your shoulders
  • a feeling of complete acceptance
  • a combination of any of the above

We love you and we wish for you to realize the light you are. We are here to assist you to feel your peace within, your knowing within, your love within.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC