Dear Ones,

There is a beauty deep inside. It is time you acknowledge it!

Within each of you, there is the flower and the seed. The flower is already blooming and opens more each day. The seed is replanted within you, each day to bring forth who you are becoming.

As the flower of today blossoms and opens, notice the beauty, the scent, the bright color that it is. Notice the softness yet the sturdiness to withstand the winds and the rains of your day to day life.

As the seed is buried deep within the rich soil of your soul, it is nurtured by your thoughts, by your words, by the food you eat. It is nourished from the world you live in.

Are you allowing yourself the beauty of nature to nourish you? Are you drinking enough water to nurture yourself? Are you taking time, just for you, to thank who you are right now and allow who you are becoming to be, to grow and blossom?

What feeds you? What brings you joy? What nourishes your soul? What allows the seed within to blossom into the beautiful flower of who you are?

You are always the flower and the seed and each step in between. Acknowledge, nourish, nurture and allow the beauty to shine through.

We are here to assist, all you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC