Dear Ones,
Today we wish to speak of Divine love.
Divine love is within each of you. It is the spark of light you are and it only increases and expands.
When you are raising your vibration, you fill with Divine love. When you are sharing a kindness with another, you fill with Divine love. When you are sharing laughter, you are also filling with Divine love.
Take a few moments to sit quietly and ask the Divine to fill your heart with love. With each breath, feel the love of the Divine. Feel your heart filling with love.
Notice what this feels like for you specifically. Is it a safe feeling, is it a warm all over feeling?
Whenever you may feel lost or alone, stop and ask the Divine to fill you with love. Allow yourself to truly feel and just to be in this feeling as long as you need, as long as you would like.
We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.
~ Your Angels ~
Angel Blessings to you.
Empowerment 4 You LLC