
Dear Ones,


Today we want you to pay attention. We would like you to pay attention to all that is going on around you.


You all get involved in so many distractions we would like you to notice what is going on, where you are, right now.


You can do this one of two ways or do it both ways and see how many more and different things you notice.


First way: close your eyes and notice what you notice – what sounds are there, is there a scent in the air that perhaps you hadn’t noticed, is there a vibration you are feeling in your body. Keep paying attention – is there an emotion you hadn’t noticed was there.


Second way: leave your eyes open and look in all directions of where you are. Are there things you are seeing for the first time? If you hear a sound turn your head towards the sound and see what you see. Look at things a little longer than you normally would to see if there’s something new about it.


These are things that are going on around you as you are mostly oblivious to. They still affect you, they are still a part of your day. Are they things you are OK with being part of your day or are they things that really do not fit anymore? Maybe it just needs to be moved or changed a bit and then it still fits. That is for you to decide.


Today, take notice.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC

