Angel Wings

Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of new — new beginnings, starting something fresh and new, taking a different (new) approach.

There is an excitement that happens within each of you when you are doing something for the first time. There may be some uneasiness as well, yet the excitement outweighs the other. It fills your cells with a bursting of energy that allows you to be almost like a child again. If you allow yourself you CAN be like a child again.

For children, everything is new. They want to touch and try everything. They want to run around and see what it’s all about.

When you begin something new and fresh, you have that connection to when you were a child, when you allowed yourself to jump up and down with anticipation.

Do you have something new coming up in your life? Allow the excitement to bubble up to the top. Even if there isn’t anything new, either create it or come at it from a new angle so there’s extra life blown into it.

Allow the child-like expressions of newness to bounce into your day and into your life.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC