Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of nature, how nature is always speaking to you. Nature is always giving you clues, giving you answers and messages, giving you signs of what you are asking for. Are you noticing?

If you are going for a walk, notice what shows itself along the way.

  • Is it flowers you are noticing or maybe a certain type of flower over and over?
  • Is there a breeze blowing from a certain direction or are the winds calm?
  • Have you noticed the sky above? Are there clouds or is it a clear sky?

Nature, the winds, the clouds, the plant-life, is always talking to you. It is up to you whether you choose to notice or not. Many do not, and yet nature will give you more signs if you are to notice.

Animals are also a part of nature and many of you do notice the animals, the insects and the birds and all other animals. Some of them are hard to miss. They play their part in messages for you as well. Some of the messages are quite subtle and some are very much easy to read.

The seasons changing have their own unique messages for you. You may notice the shift intensely or it may be more subdued. Having your own personal ceremony or meditation may increase the amount of information you feel for yourself.

We are with you always. You can ask us to help bring the messages from nature forward so they are much more noticeable to you.

When you ask a question or set the intention to get a message from nature, here are a few things to notice:

  • set the intention of what you are seeking guidance on
  • the wind, the sky, the plants, the trees
  • are leaves floating by or rustling along the ground
  • notice the direction — are things coming towards you or moving away
  • is there a warmth you’re noticing or a chill
  • watch how the shadows make shapes and what they may remind you of

Be open to what nature is sharing with you. We are always with you and happy to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

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Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC