Angel WingsThis is a channeled message I received on December 25, 2010 and I would like to share it. It seems perfect and perfectly timed for today as the last few days I have been sharing many pictures from my yard and walks with flowers. Added to that, the Zibu Angelic Symbol card I pulled today on the Facebook Live was ‘Listen Within.’

There is a garden deep within. It is the Garden of Compassion. It is a place in your mind’s eye you can come to any time. There are beautiful flowers — breathe the wonderful aroma in to each and every cell of your body.

Each flower will teach you a new lesson with compassion. The smaller flowers are for children. They love to play with them — they help you to see through the eyes of the child. The larger flowers — watch how they bend with the wind and open to accept the rain. Go with the flow and open your heart to their tears. The thorns are there because they fear — this is when they need the love and compassion the most.

The sprigs of the leaves are always around, showering them with protection They help gather up the love from the sun and take in the nutrients of the raindrops. The stems lead to the roots, deep into Mother Earth’s wisdom. Listen closely. You can hear Mother Earth talking through the flowers and greenery blowing, touching each other in loving ways. It’s a whisper barely audible, so if you don’t hear it, feel it, feel the movement and the love with your heart.

Send an energetic flower to those you love. Fill it with all the love you feel.

Love & Blessings

~ Kuan Yin ~ 

Related blogs:

Love and Compassion
Compassion Begins with Yourself
Message From the Angels 51117

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC