Dear Ones,
Today we wish to speak of how to notice the subtleties.
When you are sitting quietly, close your eyes and just notice how things feel. Your emotions are a part of what we are referring to. Also notice sensations you may be feeling in the physical. Here are a few things:
- a warm feeling, maybe on your arm or hand or head [as examples]
- a slight breeze even though there is no fan or air movement
- a twitch on your hand or foot that isn’t typical
- your hair standing up
- a glimpse of an image almost as if it were a dream or a distant memory
These are the subtleties we are referring to. You may be able to pair them with an emotion that is coming forward as well.
Noticing these and starting to pay closer attention, will assist you on your journey. It may help you ‘feel’ an upcoming situation which you may determine may be better if you handled it differently. It may help you decide on an action or next step of a project you are working on.
We would say play with this several times a day to see what comes to you and how it feels. It may be beneficial if you track these in a journal.
We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.
~ Your Angels ~
Angel Blessings to you.
Empowerment 4 You LLC