Dear Ones,
Today we wish to speak of how we comfort you.
There are times in each of your lives where you may need a little bit of extra support. These are the times we will hold you in our arms to comfort you. We comfort you as you cry if that’s what you need. We comfort you as you are ill if that’s what you need. We comfort you if you are grieving if that’s what you need.
In these times of extra comfort and support, these are answered prayers from your friends, from your family. You may not be consciously asking for extra comfort, and yet your soul is, your higher self is.
The more often you sit quietly, allowing yourself to feel your emotions, allowing yourself to just be — these are the times you may be able to feel our support.
For some it may feel as if someone gave you a warm blanket around your shoulders when you feel a chill. For some it may feel like a warm cup of tea on a wintery day. And for some it may feel like you are loved that much more.
We are here for you!
~ Your Angels ~
Angel Blessings to you.
Empowerment 4 You LLC