Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of stepping into love.

There is much that is happening in your world, in your environment, in your communities, that may seem frustrating, or chaotic. Now is the perfect time to step out of the chaos, step out of the anger or frustration, and to step into love.

How do you do that?

First, realize how you are feeling in this moment. Take a breath and check in with yourself. Are you feeling anxious or as if things are out of control? Just notice it for now.

Take a breath and feel your body, feel if you have tension, or maybe you are holding your breath. Take another breath. and release the tension. This may take several breaths.

With each in-breath, bring more love into yourself. And with each out-breath release more tension, anxiety, frustration, etc. Continue doing this for several more minutes.

Now imagine yourself feeling only love. There is no room for anything else within as the love is overflowing and spilling out. There is only love.

Now, take a few steps, either in your imagination or physically. With each step imagine that the love is expanding even more.

We are here to assist in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC