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May the miracles of your life, find you each and every day.


Do you have miracles happening to you every day? 


If yes, why do you believe they happen to you?


If not, why not? Is your expectation that miracles only happen to other people?


Whether you believe in miracles or not, let’s see if we (the Angels) can assist with bringing amazing things come into your life, whether you call them miracles or not.


You may be wondering how this will happen. First, a bit of belief is a good thing. And if you truly don’t believe, let’s pretend, just for this, that you do believe in miracles.


One of my mentors, SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy) has authored close to 20 books. One of her sayings (which I borrow from time to time) is ‘miracles, find me now’. She’s shared a few of her stories, pretty awesome stories, about the miracles that have found her.


Yes, she believes in miracles, but also, she’s telling the universe that I am ready to accept miracles, into my life.

  1. So believe, or pretend to believe in miracles.
  2. Then, ask the universe, for a miracle to happen. You can be specific in what you want, and yet, not specific in how the universe will make that happen.

    An example may be you getting a new car. If you are only thinking that the car come to you through a great deal at the dealership, and that’s how you ask for it, you are limiting that the car may come to you as a gift from someone, as the winner of a drawing, or from a plethora of other possibilities.

  3. Be open to what comes your way. See what comes your way. When you start doing this, the things that come your way may not be specifically what you are asking for, but they may be wonderful things, just the same.
  4. Say thank you. Show gratitude for whatever comes your way.

    In the car example, maybe what you received was a matchbook car. It’s still a car. Be grateful.

Start your day tomorrow, by opening your arms up wide and saying miracles, find me now


End your day by saying thank you universe, for all that has come my way.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC