Panda* / Create a sacred space for yourself
in your home and/or place of work
Everyone needs a special place to call their own, where you can spend time in meditation or prayer. It may also be a special area where you do your ‘creating’ – whatever your form of creation.
This would be something that you have created special for yourself. It may have some extra special pictures or artwork. Maybe a special chair or cushion to give it that much more comfort. Some of you may put some candles or some specific crystals in your sacred space.
It’s important that you have your own special place to journal, to read, to contemplate or to just be.
If you don’t already have a sacred space, create one. Then take some time to enjoy it, away from all the things going on in the world. Allow yourself this gift.
Thank you Panda, for reminding us to take the time and space for ourselves, to nurture our soul.
Angel Blessings to you,
Empowerment 4 You LLC
*Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D Farmer