
Many times we only see a portion of the whole picture. Our perspective is formed because of what we think we see, or by the small portion that we do see.


But there are other perspectives of the whole. And even after we see, hear and know what we think is the whole, there’s more to the story that we may never know.


If you have had a disagreement with someone, ask questions about what’s going on for them. You know your side, but do you know theirs?


We all have our backgrounds, our baggage, that we bring to any type of relationship – a friend, an acquaintance, a love relationship or a business partnership. Each person brings different tools, different experiences, a different perspective to the table.


When we are so focused on only seeing things from our perspective, we won’t be able to understand their perspective. And if we aren’t able or willing to even try to understand their perspective, it may drive a wedge into the relationship.IMG_5924

  • Give space.
  • Ask questions.
  • Listen.
  • Allow time.
  • Give them a hug.

Have compassion for them and surround them and the relationship with love. A blanket of love is always beneficial.

~ 3 Beautiful Light Beings


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC