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Sunday I was at my first fair in Sedona – Woo Hoo!! Definitely not my last, that's for sure.


In between readings I thought I would work on this blog. What better inspiration than the cards I was using for readings.


First I pulled a card from the Soul Purpose deck*, Purpose – “I know what I am to do”. 


I looked over to the Indigo Angel deck** and noticed the card I had pulled a while earlier was Divine Purpose. Perfect topic for today’s blog!! Purpose, Divine Purpose.


Do you – know – what you are here to do? Does it feel at times as if you do? And other times as if you are floundering?


Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a gauge or an indicator that let you know when the things you are doing are keeping you — on purpose, on your divine purpose?


You do!! We all do!


Some things you can do to keep yourself ‘on purpose’:

  • do things that energize you
  • get out in nature / go for a walk
  • connect with a friend
  • go play with a pet
  • go have fun
  • look up at the stars

You may be wondering what do any of these have to do with being ‘on purpose’. Well, everything. One of the things we are all here to do is be joyful. Live a life filled with fun, laughter and joy.


When we feel joy and are in that space, we can’t help but be living our purpose, our divine purpose.


What brings you joy? Go do that now.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*James Van Praagh

**Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue