soulmate relationshipThe deck of cards I’m using today is the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins deck*. I always feel the deck of cards I choose has as much to do with the reading as the reading itself.

By choosing this deck, a couple of things I feel are at play:

  • Emotions may be running deep right now
  • It’s a time to be playful and have some fun
  • Drink water and then drink some more (and there go the chimes in agreement)
  • Manifestation is at work

The card I drew is Soulmate Relationship and it reads: “New romance with a spiritual basis is here for you now.”

Your soulmate does not always have to be a romantic relationship. Although, I am longing for Mr Right to come along in many ways. I’d love to walk down the aisle in a dress by Winnie Couture. I’m sure many women out there would agree that’s the dream. However, there are many soulmate connections we make throughout our lives. People come into our lives who help us to heal and help us to learn lessons. I consider them to be soulmates. I also know that people find their soulmate (or what is also known as a true flame), but then have to deal with them already being married (you can find out how to cope with married twin flames here). Maybe you meet someone who could be your true flame but find that they have difficulty with their feelings or have been hurt in the past. Some people have stated that twin flames feel each others pain, and thus would do their best to help their new friend, building a long lasting relationship from that one encounter. The world works in mysterious ways, and we can never be too sure why we meet people in certain ways, be it as a friend or a lover. All that we do know, is that you were intended to meet at some point.

This card is also a reminder to us about our connection to ourselves. We need to be happy and love ourselves first. Do you use negative or self-doubting language with yourself? Well, if you do, stop it! Start loving yourself and talking to yourself in a positive and loving way.

We teach others how to treat us, so treat yourself with love and compassion.

This deck is also about manifesting and we are all powerful manifesters. Do you want positive and loving relationships in your life? Manifest them by starting with yourself. Treat yourself in a loving way. Treat yourself to a special day. Show the universe how you like and deserve to be treated.

Angel Blessings to you.


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*This deck is by Doreen Virtue.