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“It is time to move past your comfort zone and into the unknown” is what today’s card*, Stretch Yourself, is telling us. 


We get stale in our lives doing the same thing over and over and over again. We may not even realize it’s happening.


There’s a saying ‘you do what you did, you get what you got’ and I think this applies here as well. If you aren’t happy with what you are getting, do something different and stretch yourself a bit. Learn something new or do things differently.


Sometimes taking small steps will allow us to stretch ourselves just that little bit needed to catapult us into the next level. What are some of the things we can do to get us out of our routine? Here’s a starter list which I know you’ll have many of your own things to add to it:

  • go to work a different route
  • brush your teeth with the opposite hand (or eat a meal or comb your hair)
  • try a new kind of food you’ve never heard of before
  • take a class you’ve always been interested in but haven’t ever followed through
  • when you’re going for a walk, jog every now and again just to shift the energy
  • sleep on the opposite side of the bed

Some of these things may sound strange or like they wouldn't make a difference, but they do. When we do things without having to think, those are the times to do something different, to stretch or change things up.


The small things do make a difference and may be just what is needed.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*The Guiding Light Oracle cards by Kelly T Smith