
Dear Ones,


Today we speak of deception. This may sound like a topic that is very heavy, and it is to a certain degree. The reason it is coming up is because we would like to help you with ways to notice deception before it is happening.


You all have radar for things like this. Some have worked at fine tuning theirs and some of you are working at improving yours. And others are sure theirs is perfectly fine tuned and the wool is completely over their eyes.


When you notice something in your body, generally your stomach area (solar plexus, third chakra) that seems off, pay attention. It may feel queasy when you are around certain people or uncomfortable with a certain topic. Maybe it’s not your gut, maybe you start coughing or have a tickle in your through each time you are around someone. It also may be a feeling or a knowing that something just doesn’t feel right when this person talks to you.


These are clues that something may be off.


When you do notice something and you take the steps needed to walk way from the situation, give yourself credit for listening to your gut (or your throat tickle or your feeling). 


If you chose not to listen and things escalated in a direction you were not wanting to go, do not beat yourself up. Look at it as gathering experience so next time you will be better prepared.


If you did not notice anything and the situation turned into deception, that’s OK too. ASK that your radar be turned up, amplified, fine tuned or all of the above. It does take practice.


If you are aware of a deception (deception comes in many forms) with a friend who is unable or unwilling to notice or realize it themselves, please do not feel helpless. Though they may not listen to you because they do not feel they are being deceived, do continue to send love to them on all levels and in all directions of time, space, reality, perceptions and dimensions.


If in doubt, ASK. Whether fine tuning or just starting out, ASK your Angels for signs, for assistance, to send love to yourself or others (or both)!! ASK!!


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC