Angel2I love how the Universe works.

The last few days I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with things. It’s been the feeling of too much on my plate.


This morning, I took a breath and I heard a wonderful mantra I have shared with others many times:


There is enough time to complete all the things I need to complete.


It played in my head probably 5 times before I even heard it. And then I listened and exhaled and felt a shift happen.


I decided to take a couple of minutes before getting in the shower to breathe and relax. Things on my plate floated around me and then the reminder of a blog I needed to write for today. (You may remember I’m in the Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC) for the month of January.) Muscles tighten, no breathing happening.


Inhale, repeat ‘there is enough time to complete all the things I need to complete’, exhale. Ahhhh.


The next thought floating to me was ‘you can write your blog on the topic of overwhelm and your mantra’.


Ah, exhale once again.


And the Universe gives me wonderful confirmation. I turn on a podcast a minute later and the topic is ‘overwhelm’.


The Universe gives us the answers when we pay attention!!


I’ve already given you several things to help you when you are feeling overwhelmed or repeating the words overwhelm or telling yourself and others I’m so busy…

  1. Breathe
  2. Sit for a few minutes without any agenda, even if it’s only for 2 minutes
  3. Change your mantra to something like this: There is enough time to complete all the things I need to complete
  4. Pay attention to the Universe and it’s messages
  5. Listen to the positive, helpful thoughts going on in your head. The thoughts of overwhelm, too busy, out of control thoughts can be released (exhaled)
  6. Call on Archangel Metatron (and there go my magical chimes!!). AA Metatron is great at bending time and ensuring there is enough time for all that needs to be accomplished

So there you have it. Overwhelm to There is enough time in under 5 minutes.

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You



Ultimate Blog Challenge