11:11How many times have you seen 11:11 on the clock? 


What does it mean? Well, several things. And at different times it will take on a different meaning.


Is it your Loved Ones? This could be the case. Is it something you shared with a Loved One who passed? Maybe each time you see 11:11 you know your Loved One is letting you know they are thinking about you. Or maybe you and your Loved One noticed 11:11 at the same time over and over again.


Is it the Angels? That’s what some say. The Angels are trying to get your attention. So when you see the 11:11, think about what was just going through your mind.


Pay attention to your thoughts. According to Doreen Virtue’s in her book Angel Numbers, 11 is:

Stay positive! Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others and the situation.

So if it’s 11:11, I would say let’s stay doubly positive. 🙂


Is it a doorway? 11 is also seen as a doorway. Maybe you're not sure what your next step may be and you notice 11:11 on the clock. After checking in to ensure your thoughts are positive, focus in on the possibilities before you. You may have more options than you had originally thought. Possibilities are infinite. Allow yourself to dream of where that doorway may lead and what’s beyond it. Dream big!!


So the next time you see 11:11, you may see it differently.


What other meanings cross your mind when you see 11:11? Add your comments below to share.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC