Over the last 8 months or so, I have become a full-blown Apple user, Mac, iPad, iPod, iPhone, and love them all.

Before I got my MacBook Pro, I had heard of Steve Jobs but didn't really follow him.  But with more Apple products, I paid a bit more attention.  I knew he had been on several leaves from Apple, assuming illness but again, never really paid too close attention.

Last night I went to check something on the computer and when I open up Safari, I have www.apple.com as the home page.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011 and his picture greeted me.  It sent a wave of emotion through me. I even said out loud "he died?".

I read what they wrote, a few sentences, and could still feel the emotion.

This morning I re-watched his speech at Stanford 2005. I know this doesn't tell his entire life story, but I believe it tells what kind of man he was and how he lived his life.  What an inspiration:

  • Trust – trust that when you follow your heart, the dots you are creating today will connect. Trust. Follow your heart.
  • Love what you do. Don't lose faith, even when you are let go from your company. Love what you do.  Don't settle.
  • Live each day as if it's your last. "Don't waste it living someone else's life. …follow your heart and intuition".

I cried while watching the video understanding some of my emotions. I decided to do a meditation to see if I could understand a bit more.

The information I received was two-fold.  One I realized my dad followed his heart and lived each day to the fullest.  He was younger than Steve Jobs when he passed but there was definitely a connection my heart was picking up on.

The second thing was this message:

– Feel the sadness for a moment, but don't dwell on it. Be inspired by how he lived his life, following his dreams and intuition.  He gave of himself and he gave to the world.

May the Angels be with you Steve Jobs and watch over your family.

Angel Blessings to you.
