square mandalaHowdy Peeps!

Have you ever received news where your automatic reply is "Oh, you poor thing"? I'm sure we all have at some point in time. This may be your way of having an empathetic response, to show you understand how the other person feels and what they are going through. 

I want to talk about energy and vibration, and I have an experiment for you to check out. If you have kids, ask them to join in. You'll be surprised and amazed.

Find yourself a quiet spot and take a few deep breaths (in through the nose, and out through the mouth). Close your eyes.

Now repeat these words, using the tone and feeling you would say them after hearing tragic news:

"Oh, you poor thing"

What do these words feel like in your body? Is there a specific place you can feel it more than another? Do you feel churning in your gut, maybe a heaviness on your chest? Or, do you feel a shaking in your hands?

Words, like everything else, contain energy and a vibration.

Now, still in your relaxed quiet spot, still with your eyes closed, think of the same situation of tragic news and repeat these words:

"Surround their spirit with Love & Light"

What do these words feel like in your body? Do you have the same response as the other words? Do you perhaps feel a lightness about you, or a knowing things will be all right, maybe a sense of calm.

Words have energy and words have vibration. Lower vibrations are denser, heavier, thicker whereas higher vibrations are lighter. Higher vibration words can be very healing.

I found an awesome video on YouTube called: How to Raise Your Vibration Using Words by A Leigh Edwards. Check it out. She sums it up quite well in her short video clip (under 4 minutes).

Also, check out Emoto's Water Experiment: The Power of Thoughts. He has some great water crysal pictures that show the power of words.

And one more reference is a book by Doreen Virtue (one of my all time favorites) called Angel Words. It shows graphs of what different words look like with an explanation.  

Leigh talks about all of the times we say things without thinking. And Doreen has great examples in her book, of higher vibration words to use (a few listed below):

Old Cliche': I'm as serious as a heart attack
New Cliche': This is my truth

Old Cliche': I can't believe that
New Cliche': It was amazing

Think about the vibration of the words you say. Are they low or high vibration? Is it the vibration you'd like to be sending out into the world?

Have a stupendous, glorious day Sweet Peeps!! Please send me your comments. I'd love to hear from you.

Angel Blessings to you.


PS Any ideas on what the image represents?