
What’s Going On?

What is going on? What does it mean when the garage door opener does not open the garage door? What do you do when you haven’t got time to ring a repair firm like Garage Door Repair Raleigh? The reason for all this – there is no power going to the opener so it must be opened manually. But what is going on?

This can be a pain. I know from first hand experience. However, what may be the underlying message?

Have you ever heard that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world?

So looking at this from this premise, let’s look at the obvious – no power means there is a problem with the electrical system (as long as no breakers are flipped). OK, so we know it’s electrical and steps are in the works to get that taken care of. Maybe soon we will call an electrician to do some safety switch tripping to get everything working again in a safe fashion.

What else might it mean? If it’s more difficult to open the garage door, maybe it’s time to stay at home and not be rushing off anywhere. If you do have somewhere pressing to be, now would also be the time to call and use OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY OF HOUSTON for your garage door repair. Fingers crossed it will be an easy fix and your garage door will be up and running in no time.

That would be stating the most obvious. And Mercury is still in retrograde after all.

Are there times when the universe is telling you to slow down, stay at home, relax a bit more instead of running, running, running? Do you listen? Do you take time the time to see what else may be going on?

Most of us do not. We just get inpatient, get it fixed and move on. And while waiting for it to be fixed we manually open and close the door and keep on moving at a fast pace.

Slow down and see what your outer world is communicating to you. Are you paying attention?

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC