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More and more it is brought to our attention how powerful words can be. The words we use, the words we see everyday, the words that play over and over in our minds.


Words have an energy to them just as there is energy to everything else.


Say a word and see how the word makes you feel. Think of and then say the word ‘love’.

  • Do you feel lighter?
  • Do you feel heavy?
  • Do you feel full of energy?
  • Does it bring giggles on?
  • Is there an excitement you feel?

Now do the same think with the word ‘fear’. Go through the list of questions above with this word as well.


You most likely will notice a difference. Some words it may be a subtle difference and others you’ll easily feel your shoulders relax or tense up or your stomach be calm or jittery.


Throughout our day we have words blasting at us that we don’t even pay attention to and yet they are having an effect on us.


What can we do about it?

  1. Pay attention to what you are listening to, whether it be a radio, TV or music you’ve chosen. Is it something you really want to listen to? 
  2. Change what you listen to. Listen to things you know are uplifting, that are more ‘feel good’ programs or shows.
  3. Don’t listen to anything at all. Do something different.

With the words that you think and say, look at them from an energetic point of view. The more positive the word, the higher the vibration. And the higher the vibration, the better you will feel and the more positive energy you are sending out into the universe.


There’s a book called Angel Words by Doreen Virtue and Grant Virtue. They have put together many words, with a graph showing the vibration of each word or phrase. It’s amazing how small and compact some of the lower vibrating words are in comparison to the higher vibrating words.


Use your body as your barometer and see what comes up for these words:

  • Bliss  —  Anger
  • Careful  —  Careless
  • Give  —  Take
  • Love  —  Hate
  • Quiet  —  Shut-up
  • Stability  —  Drama

These are just a few of the examples from Angel Words. Pay attention to what you think, to what you say, throughout your day. And see if there are small shifts you can make by choosing different words, higher vibrating words, more positive words.


And in case you’re wondering, the word Angel makes the graph look like Angel wings :). I found a promo page from Hay House on this book. Check out some of the graphs for yourself.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC