Screen Shot 2013-06-12 at 2.59.41 PMAs many of you in the US know, June 14th is Flag Day. Well, what you may not know is June 14th is also my Mom’s birthday. She would be a young 71 years old this year.


It’s funny because when I think of Mom, she’s still in her 30’s. I’m 20 years older now, than when she passed. 


She was so young, she had so much life before her as well as a family of 4 kids. But I believe she had learned her lessons here and was ready to go on to her next level of teaching and learning. 


She is around me so much. The way I notice her the most is through the number combination of her birthday. And many times there are other things to emphasize that as well. Maybe the chimes go off or someone else is talking about their Mom just when I’m noticing a 614 or 642 somewhere. It always brings a smile to me with a response of 'I love you Mom'.


The times I feel really close to her are when I can sit with my eyes closed and remember something about her. 


She was a very special lady. I’ve been told she had a wonderful laugh though I don’t remember it. I’ve been told she had a great sense of humor though I don’t remember that either.


I do know she and I used to go for long walks in the woods up at our cottage. We’d take the two dogs and be gone for hours. It was just her and I. Wonderful memories.


There’s a special bond between mother and daughter that is always there.


For those of you that have your Mom still here, give her an extra hug just because. And for you Mom’s that have a daughter, give them an extra hug just because.


Keep sending me the signs to let me know you’re here, you love me and your proud of me. I hear you, I see you and I know it’s you.


Love you Mom. Happy Birthday.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC


Signs From Your Loved Ones is available through Amazon. It may help you recognize signs from your Mom and other Loved Ones who have passed.