IMG_5530I went to an Ask the Angels, Angel Gathering session last night. A friend of mine, Rev Debby Taylor* holds them once a month. She starts with a lesson for all and then everyone gets a chance to ask a question of the Angel she channels – Gendarion.


The lesson last night was just what I needed and I wanted to share it with you as I’m sure it can help others as well.


She let us know there was an extra Angel called in and standing behind each of us. The message the Angels had for us was to ‘feel the love of God’


A short and very sweet message for each of us. I’d like you to know this feeling as well.

  • With our busy lives, sometimes we forget what a wonderful feeling the love of God is. And during our busy days, this is when we need to ‘feel the love of God’.
  • When things aren’t going the way we planned, we can get caught up in the things that aren’t going right. This is when we need to ‘feel the love of God’.
  • When our bodies are not feeling the healthy way they are meant to be, this is when we need to ‘feel the love of God’.

We were directed to close our eyes. Each Angel behind us was asked to help us ‘feel the love of God’. This is a very individual feeling.


For me, it felt as though the Angel stepped into my body as a warmth came over me. I felt my muscles loosen, my shoulders drop and a calmness come over me. I was reminded to ‘feel the love of God’.


This is something we can do anytime, anywhere and it only takes a moment.


Angels, Angels everywhere. Please be at the side, of everyone who is open, to ‘feel the love of God’. 


Thank you Debby, for what you so willingly share with others.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC


*Information about Rev Debby Taylor:

Your Angels Speak

Mile High Mystics

Mystical Spiritual Church