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Are you currently living your passion? Do you have passion throughout your day for the things you are doing? Maybe it’s been so long since you’ve had passion you simply don’t know what it even feels like any more.


If you don’t remember – it’s time! Yes, it’s time to get back to your passion, to start living your passion every day. 


How do you get back or re-ignite your personal passion?


First I would call on Archangel Haniel. Her name means ‘Glory of God’ and Haniel can help with living from your highest potential, giving the glory to God. 


After calling upon Archangel Haniel, set the intent to get your passion reinvigorated.


Here are some things which may work for you. You can do one, some or all until you are feeling your passion.

  • Take a nap or go to bed. Set the intent so while you are sleeping you will have a dream that will ignite your passion and get some insight about where your inner passion has been hiding.
  • Go for a walk. Pay attention to the things you see along your walk and any people you may pass along your way. Is there a specific animal scurrying around or flying above? Is the weather kicking up or slowing down? These can all be insights into your inner passion. Pay attention to your thoughts as things are happening. Are you thinking about something from your childhood you used to love to do and all of a sudden your hat flies off. Pay attention.
  • Meditate. This can be at home or in nature or anywhere you feel comfortable and will be able to have some time to yourself. Pay attention to the thoughts that come drifting in. Do your best not to direct your thoughts, just let things float in and float out.
  • Journal. Sit down with a journal or some blank pages of paper. At the top of the page, ask the question – what is my passion? Then start to write. Don't edit what you’re writing, just write. Set a timer and give yourself X number of minutes and write until the timer goes off.
  • Take a bath or a shower. Water helps with creative ideas. How many times do you get great ideas in the shower with no pen in sight. Have pen & paper handy so as soon as you are out, you can write down any insights or thoughts that came to you.
  • Look at old photographs of when you were a child. There were things we instinctively did as kids that hold clues about what our passions are. Take a ride down memory lane. Allow your imagination to fill in the blanks. There may be aspects or glimpses from when you were a child.
  • Create a list of things that makes you smile, makes your heart sing, brings you joy. These are all part of your passion.

Have fun with this. Don’t make it a chore. Once you get your passion back, it makes everything in your life go a little bit smoother.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC


Passion is a card from the Archangel deck, created by Doreen Virtue.