
Dear Ones,

Today we would like to talk about ‘weathering’ your life.

Life is much like the weather. You can anticipate that it may rain or that it may be warmer or cooler that is typical. However, you really don’t know until the time actually comes. You may get wet, wind-blown or sun baked even though you were expecting something different.

The key to all of this is to be prepared as best as you can while not holding so tightly to the fact it must be sunny or cloudy or rainy or dry.

With life, we want you to continue to prepare for what you anticipate to be the outcome. We definitely want you to call on your Angels for assistance. And as life tosses you some of those curve balls that may not have been on your radar, it’s OK.

Sometimes when things don’t go as you planned, they actually work out better than you could have anticipated. 

We understand there are things that come at you sometimes from seemingly all directions and it seems as though it’s tough to ‘get a break.’ It does not mean it’s time to throw in the towel and give up. It may mean that you need to lighten the tight grip you have on life and allow the wind and the rain to clear out the old and make room for the new.

Just as the rain falls and flows into streams and rivers and canals, following the turns and the curves for the most part and sometimes forging new paths — that is what life is all about. Following the path that is there at times and others veering and start your own in a new direction.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC