Wings Light No White BG

Have you ever felt like you’re digging your heels in? You feel like you just have to on whatever the situation at hand is? 

If you were to take a step back, are you digging your heels in or are they spinning – out of control or stuck in the same place? Neither of these are doing you any good – so how about jumping off the control-wagon and look at what else you can do?

Message From the Angels 

Dear Ones,

Relinquish the reins of control. You may notice within your body, there is tension. This is from holding on so tightly. You may feel very ‘out of control’ if you were to let go. Dear Ones, that is correct – you will be out of the control spiral and into the flow.

Allow, instead of holding on. Allow things to flow around you and to you like water flows around the rocks. Feel the stresses release as you let go of what you have been dragging around for so long. Is it even yours to be holding onto? That is a question which many of you can answer – no, it is not.

You are on your path, experiencing many things. That is why you are here. They do not need to be difficult or hurtful or filled with fear. 

We are here to help you Dear Ones. Call upon us as many times a day as you would like.

We are here.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you,

Empowerment 4 You LLC

Past related blogs

Message From the Angels 61616
Message From the Angels 20116
Message From the Angels 92415
Message From the Angels 70915
What Can You Do About It?
Going With the Flow

