Dear Ones,
Today we wish to speak of peace. This is two-fold, the peace within and the peace around you. The peace within is where you start. Watch it spread to those around you, your space around you, the more you practice the peace within.
- Sit down and close your eyes.
- Notice your breath – don’t change it, just to notice it.
- Feel the rhythm of your breathing, in and out and in and out.
- Notice how your body moves with your breathing.
- Imagine there is nothing else, anywhere, except your breathing. The whole world is your breathing.
- Imagine with each breath you are breathing in peace and breathing out peace. Imagine and watch the space you are in shift to peace.
- Expand the peace you are breathing out to extend beyond your room, your home, your city, your county, your state and beyond.
- Imagine your peaceful breath combining and expanding even more with all the others who are doing the same.
- Come back to you, come back to the peace within.
Another way to extend and expand peace is through mantras. You may find these helpful to bring into your day. Repeat them over and over in your mind or speak them out loud over and over.
- Peace
- I am peace
- I allow peace in my life
- I allow peace to fill by every cell
No matter what is going on around you, you can choose the peace within. You can choose to extend and expand the peace. We are happy to assist, all you need do is ask.
~ Your Angels ~
Check out Peace One Day, September 21st is Peace Day & TEDGlobal2011 with Jeremy Gilley who started it. Find out the impact of the awareness to Peace One Day.
Associated blogs, several with a short exercise to allow you to experience the peace:
Message From the Angels 51418
Message From the Angels 112717
Message From the Angels 30917
Message From the Angels 120516
Message From the Angels 70716
Message From the Angels 11515
Angel Blessings to you.
Empowerment 4 You LLC
The Angel message above is very moving…I would just love to bundle this message up and air drop it all over the world. I’d say that I am at peace 97.5% of the time, and it’s a warm caring feeling to feel and share peace around you.
Thank you for your comment Sweet Stephanie. I know there are times I need to re-read what the Angels message is, so I too, can feel the peace.
Angel Blessings to you,
Beautiful Miss Stephanie. I so appreciate when you share your thoughts.
Angel Blessings to you,