
Do you ever have one of those days that things didn't go quite the way you planned. It's times like these you really need to Believe* that it's all in Divine Timing and has a Divine Order to it.

This card came up just back in December, so many of us must need an extra dose of Believing right now.

When we set our sights on something and things don't go the way we had thought, it's good to look at other options that may be right in front of you. If we can keep ourselves not too attached to the outcome, that also helps. 

Another way is to look at things from an objective point of view. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture rather than just our piece of the pie. There is always a bigger picture.

What can we do to help with Believing in where things are going?

  • Think of all of the times when things DID go as you had Believed and wanted. Remember how they felt. That is the feeling to recapture. It's always beneficial to keep a list of these wonderful things, similar to a gratitude journal.
  • Request an MBO (most benevolent outcome) for 'whatever' it is. This will ensure that you are on the right track, so when 'it' doesn't happen, you know something better is around the corner. 
  • AND request an MBO for Believing. An example of this may sound like 'I request an MBO to Believe in where I am and in where I'm going, that it be in my highest good, always. Thank you.'
  • ASK the Angels to show you signs and messages showing that you are on the right path, even though what you asked for didn't happen.
  • Go sit outside in nature for a bit. There's something about sitting outside that restores your Belief Tank more than other ways.
  • Open your mind and your heart to see what else is just around the corner for you.

* ~ * ~ * > > > Believe in yourself < < < * ~ * ~ * 

Angel Blessings to you,

Empowerment 4 You LLC

Related Blogs:
Commitment and Believe
What's An MBO?

*Today's card came from Denise Linn’s Soul Coaching deck