Smokey QuartzAh yes. This is just a small example of one of the crystals I saw while at the Tucson Gem show.


This is a Smokey Quartz and as you can see it’s quite large. Smokey Quartz is great for clearing energy also. Hmm, maybe I needed it right about then. 🙂


There were other crystals that made this Smokey look small.


I had a wonderful time at the Gem show and though I was in Tucson for several days, I only went to two different places. And though each of the places had about a bazillion crystals (I’m sure of it!), I didn't come home with more crystals.


I was so very glad I had asked the Angels ahead of time to clear the area. There were not only a lot of crystals, but there were a lot of people.


The crystals were a bit overwhelming at times. 


I would find myself feeling very light headed. I would walk out of the tent area with crystals and stand in the open space (as much as I could anyway). I would connect with Mother Earth and center and ground myself.


This would only take a couple of breaths and I’d be centered and grounded and able to move on to the next tent of crystals. 


This is something you can do anytime, anywhere. When you feel light headed because of the energies around you, follow these steps:

  • Step away from the activity
  • Close your eyes (if possible, not mandatory)
  • Set the intent to connect with Mother Earth
  • Imagine tree roots growing from within you, deep down into Mother Earth
  • Take a couple of deep breaths
  • Open your eyes when you no longer feel light headed

Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You