
I generally don't pull 3 cards* for a blog, and yet today, they all wanted to express themselves. Individually they each have a wonderful message and together the message is truly amplified.


Freedom – You are free, to do what you would like. You may feel you 'have to' do a certain job or do things out of obligation. Those are illusions. You all have the free will to choose what it is you want to do. If you feel you are stuck, imagine the shackles coming off and doing what it is that makes your heart sing.


Doubt – This may be what is holding you where you are, where you feel the shackles, the doubt, the fear about your own capabilities. Have a ceremony and release all of the fears and doubts to the Universe, to the Divine, to the Angels. Look into the center of the mandala on this card and focus on the sun. Think of the sun's warmth melting away your doubts, your fears, your worries and feel the brightness it has to offer.


Relationships – This is a reminder the relationships you have in your lives (past, present, future), are here to help you learn and grow. The relationships are more than people. They are the relationship to your place of business or to your childhood memories or your future goals. There is a relationship to all of these. There is also a relationship to yourselves. Trust in who you are.


Bring these cards together – you each have the freedom to do what you choose to do. You can ask for assistance of the unseen friends (Spirit, Angels) as well as friends in the physical to release any doubts you have about moving forward on your journeys. Know the relationships you have had up until this point have gotten you here and any new relationships you may need in the future to release doubt and feel freedom will be there when you need. 


You all have the freedom to go and make it happen!


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*This beautiful deck is The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh.