IMG_5647There are enough times in our lives when others may point out what we’ve done wrong. And there are even more times we point these things out for ourselves – sometimes over and over and over again. We are our own worst critic.


Well, enough already. First off, my belief is that nothing is ‘wrong’. Everything is right. Everything we do, moves us to the next step on our paths. 


Are some of those steps difficult? You bet. Do some of the steps feel like we’ve walked through quicksand, or thick mud? Possibly. But each step we take and what we do with that knowledge, is part of our journey. It’s why we came here as a human – to learn.


So let’s each look at all of the things we have done right. Look at things in our lives that we are proud of ourselves. And things we’ve done to help another along their way. 


It’s time we stand up and pat ourselves on the back for the things we feel good about, the things that bring us joy, the things we know have touched another.


Go grab a journal or a piece of paper, or a doc on your computer – yes, right now.


Start writing a list of:

  • What you have done that you feel good about
  • Things you’ve accomplished that may have helped another
  • Things you feel were good decisions for you
  • Things you feel were done ‘right
  • Projects you’ve completed and are proud of

If you feel you don’t have anything for a list like this, grab a friend for some help and I can guarantee they will help you fill a page or two. Then ask another friend for some more assistance.


Fill as many pages as you’d like. Add to it every day or as often as you’d like, but keep adding to it.


This is where we should put our focus. We all have accomplishments. We all have things we have done which are so positive. And we have all done things that have helped others. 


These are things to celebrate. Whenever you need a reminder about what you’ve done, you’ll have it.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC