

I drew two cards for today’s blog. I used two different decks* as I many times like to do. I set the intent and then pulled one from each deck.


More and more people are working on following the guidance they receive. Tuning into what their body is telling them (follow your gut), into what their Angels are telling them and what signs they may see along their way throughout their day.


We all have intuition. I was talking with a friend the other day who said ‘she had a bad feeling about this from the start’. Yes, that’s your intuition. When the phone rings and you know who it is before you answer the phone – that’s your intuition also.


Here are some ways to improve your intuition.


Ask the Angels for assistance. Yes, the Angels are always happy and willing to assist. Then when you receive some information you feel is your intuition, thank the Angels and ask for more signs. Oh, and then, follow the guidance you receive. 🙂


Meditate on a regular basis to clear your head. Meditation clears out some cobwebs, but also gets you in the habit of ‘listening’ for guidance. 


Get out in nature (without the headphones). When you’re outside, it’s another way of clearing out stresses and allows for listening. Nature loves to join in and assist with your intuition. 


Go sit by a babbling brook. If you look through the keyhole of the picture, see the river running? Sitting next to a body of water listening to the lapping of the waves or the gurgling of water clears your head and allows for clear intuition.


The second card is telling us in Autumn, we’ll be able to reap our abundance. With practice of Trusting Your Intuition, there will be additional comfort in how we feel about it. Also, in trusting and following our intuition, it’s helping prepare us for what’s coming. 


Autumn is a time for reaping what we sow. Expect good things and reap the rewards as Autumn approaches because you've been Trusting Your Intuition.


Look at the coloring of both cards and take note that in the first card, there are golden leaves that look like they are falling – just like the Autumn card.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*I’m using Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle cards & Angel Dreams Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue & Melissa Virtue (cards pulled in this order).