heart cactus2Happy Valentine’s Day. 


Sometimes love hurts.  It doesn’t matter whether you are in a love relationship or not. Any type of relationship can have it’s issues (business, friend, etc). 


I believe everyone we meet is coming into our lives to either teach us, or help us heal something, or we are the teacher. And as you may or may not know, you cannot control or change anyone else. But you can change yourself, you can change how you look at a situation or a person.


What can we do when there's a relationship and it’s maybe not going exactly as we planned? 


Send love to the situation. Imagine the ‘issue’ or the ‘situation’ and include the person (or people). Imagine you are blowing the situation into a balloon. After it’s all filled up in the balloon, tie the end of the balloon so the air (and the situation) won’t escape.


Call on the Angels to encircle the balloon, the situation, all the the people involved (including you) with love. Ask the Angels for assistance with the situation and release the balloon, the situation and the people involved, to the Angels.


Change the outcome. Something I have done with dreams and past events where I did not like the outcome, is to change it. I imagine how the situation happened and as I’m recalling it, when I get to the part I don’t like, I change it.


For example, years ago, I had a dream where someone broke into my house. Though I woke before any harm came to me, it was very disconcerting to me.


I sat down and went back into the dream. I imagined that I sensed someone was going to break in and I called 911 as well as a friend to come over. The break in did not happen.


And the original dream is very difficult for me to remember how it was originally.


Journal about it and then burn the paper. This works for so many things. There really is something so healing about writing things out. Speaking the words out loud is also a great way to get the feelings out.


After you’ve journaled, take that piece of paper and (safely!) burn it. If you are unable to burn it you can rip it up into many little pieces with the intent the situation is being transmuted with love. Or you can put it in a dixie cup with water and freeze it.


After it’s frozen for awhile (as long as you want), I’ve tossed it down the garbage disposal, with love of course. 🙂


Have a conversation, Higher Self to Higher Self. This is something you can do just before you go to bed. Intend that your Higher Self will talk with their Higher Self while you sleep. They can work out the situation in a wonderfully, perfect way where everyone will be happy.


So there you have it. If love or relationships aren’t going the way you’d like, hopefully one of these will help.


Please add things that have worked for you in the comments section below.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You