Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of love and shining your light. These are both of the greatest importance for you and your wonderful planet called Gaia.

Each moment of every day, you have a choice. You can choose to shine your light and share the love you are, or not.

Most of you, most times, are in the flow, feeling your love, your light and shining and sharing who you are. You’re being kind to one another, you’re doing things for others because you love them and it is your love overflowing. Much of your time is automatically being the love and light you are.

There are times when you may not be feeling in the flow. You may be feeling aggravated or annoyed or angry or frustrated. These are the times to allow yourself to feel those feelings and allow them to move through your body. If there is something to be healed, with the love of your Angels, we are here for you. We will support you as you work through these feelings. They will pass, to allow the love and the light to shine bright, once again.

Imagine there is a band of Angels, all to support you to help you, whenever you may need the extra support. It is true. There is. We are here. All you need do is ask.

Allow yourself to choose to move through anger, frustration, annoyance, betrayal, and get into the flow of your love, your light. Share your kindness, your love, with others. This allows it to grow and allows for your expansion, each and every moment.

You are a beautiful being of love and light. We see you! We love you. We are here for you.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC