
Dear Ones,


Today we speak of connection. You, we are all connected on many levels.


At first glance it may not seem that way. However, as you stop and feel it with your heart, you know this to be true. 


What are some of the ways to recognize this connection? Look around you at the people who are in your life or the things that come into your awareness. How do they seem to you? Connected? Yes, they all are.


As an example, if you are having an unease with a situation or person, look within and see how it really relates to you. Do you have that same uneasy feeling within, possibly buried so deep you do not want to acknowledge or accept it about yourself? That is the connection — in this example.


When you are feeling full of love and joy and feeling ‘in the flow’, you will notice things and people around you who are also in the flow. Things feel as though they come very easily without much effort at all. That is the connection — in this example.


See the connections before you and notice the ones that may not be as obvious to you. Some are much more subtle than others. They are still there.


The situations (or people) that pop up in your life that may seem at first glance ‘not’ connected — look deeper, look within and ‘feel’ into the connection, for it is there. You may notice it as a rumble of your stomach or a soft touch on your arm or a knowing that brings tears to your eyes.


Now is a time when these connections are coming from much deeper places than before as there is deeper healing taking place. Notice, allow, accept, embrace and love.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC