Wings Light No White BG

Dear Ones,

Today we wish to talk about ‘Earth Angels.’ These are the people who come into your life, some for a moment, some for longer, who help you just when you need it. 

All the people in your life are there for a reason, assisting with your growth. There are some that push your buttons or trigger you. They are very helpful in looking within to see why. Why do they trigger you, what is it that annoys you about them that is within you that you may not be willing to look at … yet.

Then you have those who love you unconditionally, are there when you need them, listen to your venting and offering you their ear. They have loving words just when you need them. Words of encouragement come at just the right times. These are Earth Angels.

There are also those who seem to swoop in to assist and when you turn your head to thank them, they are gone. These are also Earth Angels. 

Earth Angels are there to help light your path or maybe steer you in another direction. They are there to remind you of the love that you are, the bright light you have to shine. They may be the one to nudge you when you least expect it but most need it.

Look around your life and see how many Earth Angels you know and how many pop up just at the right moment.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC

