quote 4.12When you wake up in the morning, are you typically in a good mood or a not so good mood? 


What if I told you I have the secret to turning your good mood into a great mood and your not so good mood into a good mood or better? Would you want to know what it is?


Well, the title may have given the secret away, but yes, it’s a positive attitude, or an attitude of gratitude.


Tonight, as you are drifting off to sleep, think of things that bring a smile to your face. And think of things that you are grateful for. These could be your pets, your kids, a joke someone told you. Each day will be unique because each of our days are a little different than the rest.



Think of a minimum of 3 things you are grateful for. And then off to dreamland you go.


Then in the morning, before you even get out of bed, maybe even before you open your eyes, think of 3 things you are grateful for.


It could be that your pillow is super comfortable, or the bed is nice and cozy and comfy. Or it may be because you were having an awesome dream that brings a smile to your face. Maybe you have exciting plans for the day.


Whatever it is for you, think of a minimum of 3 things you are grateful for, before even getting out of bed.


I’ve written about this topic before, and I still see so many people that are just so sad or have a negative attitude. This is how you can start to shift that. 


If you are in a situation where you feel nothing is positive, these are the times when it is even more important than ever to be grateful.


Having an attitude of gratitude, is one of the highest vibrations there is. If you don't believe me, search for that on the Internet. 🙂


If you go to bed with an attitude of gratitude, and you wake up with an attitude of gratitude, I will guarantee your outlook will shift to a more positive attitude.


Those are my words of wisdom for today. Now, it’s your turn.

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC




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