
I saw the movie, Maleficent, over the weekend. It’s no wonder I was drawn to these two decks to pull cards – Magical Mermaids and Dolphins and the Healing with the Fairies, both by Doreen Virtue. I do very much recommend the movie as well. 🙂


Simplify Your Life, the first card, is something we can all do, probably on a regular basis. The Mermaids are here to remind us of how empowering it can be when we clear out the old. It helps to make room for the new. When we release things no longer used, it passes them along to someone who may really need it, or someone who will love it the way you used to.


Releasing what we no longer use is also a way of telling the Universe, I trust. I trust I will be taken care of and if I am ever in need of that particular thing again, it will be provided for me.


If you look closely at this card, you can see the Mermaid is on a swing, attached to a tree. She hasn’t a care in the world, other than feeling joy. There is such freedom on a swing. If you haven’t been on one in a while, try it. You may just remember how much you enjoyed it.


This leads right into the second card, the Environmental Awareness. I feel when you Simplify Your Life, it may also encourage you to spend more time in nature, whether it be for a walk a hike or bird watching. When you’re out in nature, pay attention. Make a point of being even more aware of things than you normally are. Every once in a while look up to the trees and pay attention to the birds you see.


Environmental Awareness is also a reminder to us all, do things to help the environment*. It may mean you pick up trash when you see it out walking, it may mean you walk for a cause, it may mean you use natural things on your lawn to help it grow. It will be different for everyone.


How these two cards work so beautifully together is they are a reminder to us, that sometimes getting out in the environment, out in the fresh air, it automatically is a simplification in our lives. We enjoy the beauty, we let go of the stress, releasing our worries to the wind, to Mother Earth, to the Angels and Fairies.


Special note, each card has two circles. Circles signify continuous, unity and wholeness. The first card looks like the circles may be water bubbles, and the second looks to be two moons. This week as you go about each day, watch to see how many times you notice two circles / balls / spheres and what they may mean to you and what is going on when you see them.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC


*Something we can all do for the environment – Message From the Angels 41714