
The inspiration for today’s blog was truly Spirit driven. I sat down to see what the blog was to be about. Upon closing my eyes I could hear the bass of the neighbors music. I couldn’t hear the actual music, just the boom, boom, boom of the bass.


I’m focusing on my breath and actually on the bass, as it’s rhythm is like a heartbeat. And in my mind I could see the shape of a heart, beating with the bass.


Just a few minutes before I was also hearing the continual bark of the dog out back (1 of 4 between 2 homes). He wasn't barking anymore, though he had been for a while, at least since I had opened the back window.


Peace comes from within, not from what is going on around you. Was the barking annoying – hmm, yes. Was the bass annoying – hmm, absolutely.


As I’m sitting there, I look at the situation, from what can I do about it, what do I have control over — only me and how I’m reacting.


Breathing a bit more with the beat of the bass I started thinking about what I enjoy about the neighborhood and living in this house:

  • I love the sun beating on my face (right now), warming me and the house
  • The neighborhood is safe – it feels safe and the dogs will sound the alarm if need be
  • The neighbors with the music care about their vehicles, about keeping them clean (that’s when I’ve noticed the music, when they’re washing their cars)
  • This house feels like home to me

I realized with the beating of the bass, the neighborhood has it’s own beating heart, and it feels much more peaceful than it did 5 short minutes ago.


Peace is within you. Accept where you are and find peace, no matter what may be going on around you.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC


Cards pictured are from 3 different oracle card decks:

–Peace-The Soul’s Journey by James Van Praagh

–Peace/Archangel Chamuel-Archangel Oracle by Doreen Virtue

–Peaceful Resolution-Angel Answers both by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine


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