Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 120414

Dear Ones,   Today we speak of empathy. Empathy is when you pick up on others’ feelings and emotions. You many times do this and don’t even realize it.   This is a time of the year you may want to increase what you do to not pick up everyone else's emotions. it is increased [...]

By |2014-12-03T10:54:04-07:00December 4, 2014|angel, angel message, angels, ask the angels, empathy|

Settling In

I have done a lot of unpacking (the stack is 15 boxes I unpacked in the morning) with still more to do and that’s OK. I feel like I’m getting settled in pretty quick. This house feels like home and in some ways it feels like I’ve lived here for quite awhile.   Looking around [...]

By |2014-09-26T16:48:08-07:00September 29, 2014|angel, angel blessings, angels, ask the angels|

Message From the Angels 91814

Dear Ones,   Today we give you another way of clearing and releasing what is not yours to carry and what you are ready and willing to let go of. Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. Sit down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and [...]

By |2014-09-17T16:10:33-07:00September 18, 2014|angel, angel blessings, ask the angels, gratitude|


I was recently at a fair in Scottsdale doing readings. One of the cards which came up at least three times throughout the day was Breathe.   You may be thinking we just breathe automatically, without even thinking. That is true. There is air going in and out and we really don’t need to give [...]

By |2014-08-10T16:34:59-07:00August 11, 2014|angel, angels, ask the angels, breathe|
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