
Dear Ones,


Today we speak of expansion. We have spoken of this before, and yet there is more to share.


When you are working on something that truly excites you and you come to a snag, that is a time to flex your muscles — spiritual and mental. It is not a time to throw in the towel and say “I’m done.”


You may need to put on your thinking cap and look for another solution. Or share some time with a friend and the answer may come as you talk things through. One may have parts of the plan and the other has the missing pieces. 


Sometimes taking a walk and noticing what a beautiful day it is will allow the inspiration you are looking for to present itself. 


Calling on your unseen helpers and guides is always a good idea as well. You may have inspiration pop in your head or you may feel the urge to turn down a certain street or go to a certain website.


Part of expansion is trusting in the answers before you, having faith the answers will come when you need them.


As you expand and flex your spiritual or mental muscles, give thanks.


~ Your Angels ~


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC



Earlier blogs on expansion: