Serena - Angel of Abundance

I pulled a card from the Messages from your Angels deck* for today. This is a beautiful card and Serena has much to say.


The card reads “I am the Angel of Abundance. You will receive the money that you need, and God is in charge of how that will happen. Have faith.”


Abundance comes in so many ways, it isn’t just about money. If you look at your life right now, I will bet there are things you could think of right now that are truly abundant in your life. 


Look at all the caring people who are in your life. Or notice the wonderful sun shining upon you in all it’s warmth and wonder (whether you see the sun or whether it’s hiding behind the clouds). Notice all the things that have gone right in your life today and yesterday and the day before. 


Notice what you have in your life, not what you are lacking. Focus on what you have.


What do you have to be grateful for? Take a few moments and either think of these or take some time to write them down.


Have faith that what you need will be provided. Ask for what you need and then take the necessary physical action steps. Pay attention to the guidance you receive or when you notice the synchronistic signs showing up in your life.


Show gratitude when you pay your bills or when you are able to gift something to another. This is all part of abundance.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*deck created by Doreen Virtue