Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Physical Labor

Howdy Peeps! I gave a preview in my last blog that I'm preparing to move across country. I've never done anything like this before as I've lived within 30 miles of where I grew up all my life. This is a whole new exciting journey I'm on right now. While I was getting my car [...]

By |2012-08-01T21:16:10-07:00August 2, 2012|3 Light Beings, act of kindness, angel blessings|

The End of the World As We Know It

Howdy Peeps! I've had a song in my head the last few days. The only words that were playing were 'it's the end of the world as we know it' and every once in a while I'd get a little bit more with it 'and I feel fine'. After several days of this, I thought [...]

By |2012-07-25T14:52:21-07:00July 26, 2012|angel blessings, gratitude|

The Puzzle

Howdy Peeps! What if you found a pile of puzzle pieces, but you couldn't see the picture. You can only see the back side.  You start putting the puzzle together. Like most, you find the 4 corners to help guide you in the foundation of the puzzle. then you find the sides that go between [...]

By |2012-07-23T07:19:47-07:00July 23, 2012|acceptance, angel blessings, puzzle pieces|

Let’s Get Centered

Howdy Peeps! Do you find yourself some days running from one things to the next, feeling frazzled? What about tripping over things or dropping things which neither is your norm? What about feeling a bit drained, physically as well as maybe energetically? Let's get centered! When you have so many things on your mind, it's [...]

By |2012-07-15T18:49:03-07:00July 16, 2012|angel blessings, centered|

One Step At A Time

Howdy Peeps! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~Lao-tzu I love this saying. I have something very similar on a t-shirt. Each step gets you that much closer to your goal. I haven't felt overwhelmed in a long time, thankfully. I know The Angels have much to do with this, [...]

By |2012-07-11T17:50:09-07:00July 12, 2012|angel blessings, angels|

Shift Negative Energy

Howdy Peeps! What do you do when you are around negativity? It could be the news on the TV or radio, it could be some people arguing or complaining or any number of things. You may become irritable or tired and not realize it's from the negative energy from another. Well, the easiest thing is [...]

By |2017-12-20T11:29:51-07:00July 2, 2012|angel blessings, negative energy|

One Last Breath

Howdy Peeps! I was recently sitting vigil* with someone and these words came to me: With one last breath, I want to tell you how much I love you.  With one last breath, I want to tell you how much I care. With one last breath, I want to tell you all the things you [...]

By |2012-06-25T10:18:45-07:00June 25, 2012|angel blessings, vigil|

Giving Back

Howdy Peeps! Today is about giving back. Maybe not giving back to the same person who gave to me, but giving back. A couple of years ago I had fallen while doing yard work in the front of my house. Me and a root did not see eye to eye and I ended up on [...]

By |2012-06-19T19:50:45-07:00June 21, 2012|act of kindness, angel blessings|

Into the Silence

Howdy Peeps! I just read a Facebook post talking about silence. I think silence is an underrated and underutilized commodity.  When we're kids our parents tell us to 'hush' or 'be quiet' but that's just the start of 'silence'. And you may be having a 'silent moment' in your head with the world still going [...]

By |2012-06-17T18:11:26-07:00June 18, 2012|angel blessings, silence|

Happy Birthday Mom

Howdy Peeps! Today would be Mom's 70th birthday. Wow! Happy Birthday Mom! For those of you who still have your Moms here, in the physical, give them a hug for me. Appreciate them for who they are and for bringing you into being. Love them and accept them for their idiosyncrasies and their quirks. Think [...]

By |2012-06-13T14:25:43-07:00June 14, 2012|angel blessings, birthday presence, birthday present, memories, Mom|
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