Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Message From the Angels 70918

Dear Ones, Today we wish to speak of peace. This is two-fold, the peace within and the peace around you. The peace within is where you start. Watch it spread to those around you, your space around you, the more you practice the peace within. Sit down and close your eyes. Notice your breath - [...]

By |2018-07-08T15:07:18-07:00July 8, 2018|angels, Inspirational, message from the angels|

Dear Loved One2

Today is the 44th anniversary of Mom transitioning. In some ways it seems like that long and in others it seems like it was only yesterday. I had this poem that I call Dear Loved One shared with me several years ago and give it away as a bookmark everywhere. Today I decided to create a [...]

By |2018-07-01T17:58:42-07:00July 1, 2018|angels, Inspirational, Spiritual|

Message from Kuan Yin 41618

This is a channeled message I received on December 25, 2010 and I would like to share it. It seems perfect and perfectly timed for today as the last few days I have been sharing many pictures from my yard and walks with flowers. Added to that, the Zibu Angelic Symbol card I pulled today [...]

By |2018-04-15T15:12:21-07:00April 15, 2018|inspiration, Inspirational, Spiritual|
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