Beautiful Arizona sunset with hues of Angelic color
Sue Broome Desert

Mountain Goat

“There’s something out of balance in your life, so do whatever you need to do to correct it.”   I thought I’d pull an Animal card* today and this one popped up. It really is a perfect card for the week of Thanksgiving (in the US anyway) and what has always felt like (for me [...]

By |2015-11-22T16:18:50-07:00November 23, 2015|angels, Inspirational|


Today I drew a card from my very first Angel Card deck*. I was so glad when Angel Cards first came out and I have been using them ever since.   Self-Acceptance. Many times we can accept something about someone else though it would be totally unacceptable for us. Why don’t we accept things within [...]

By |2015-11-15T15:03:58-07:00November 16, 2015|angels, Inspirational|

Stretch Yourself

“It is time to move past your comfort zone and into the unknown” is what today’s card*, Stretch Yourself, is telling us.    We get stale in our lives doing the same thing over and over and over again. We may not even realize it’s happening.   There’s a saying ‘you do what you did, [...]

By |2015-11-08T14:56:47-07:00November 9, 2015|angels, Inspirational|

Message From the Angels 110515

Dear Ones,   Today we ask the question - how do you see the world?   Many of you see the world through eyes of beauty. You look at the amazing creations and miracles that happen each and every day. You see the world for the wonder that it is. This is wonderful and we [...]

By |2015-11-04T13:41:57-07:00November 5, 2015|angels, Inspirational|

Rise Above

This is a perfect card* for today or any day when you want to step out of the drama or chaos that is reaching towards you. Give yourself another perspective on things.   Rise Above is letting us know to take a step back, take our emotions out of it and put ourselves in the [...]

By |2015-10-23T16:51:23-07:00October 26, 2015|angels, Inspirational|

Cut Your Cords

Cut Your Cords* is one of the things I call on Archangel Michael for. It is something to do on a regular, as in daily, basis.   Whenever you are experiencing fear in a relationship, a cord is attached to both of you. Fear can show up in so many ways - anger, resentment, deceit [...]

By |2015-09-21T07:03:46-07:00September 21, 2015|angels, Inspirational|

Unconditional Love

As I grabbed my phone to take a picture of this card, the time showing was 11:11 - focus on the positive. Look for the positive in you, in those around you and the situations you are in. How perfect for taking a picture of the Unconditional Love - The Divine Mother card*.   We [...]

By |2015-08-03T06:06:13-07:00August 3, 2015|angel card, angels, Inspirational, love, unconditional love|
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