IMG_5911This is such an appropriate Healing with the Fairies card*. There are so many changes and shifts in the energies and this is at the core of it all.


Look Inside Yourself

  • Are you happy with what you see?
  • Do you feel you’re caught in a web?
  • Do you see all of the opportunities surrounding you?
  • Are you willing to ask for assistance if you need it?
  • Will you accept the help when it comes to you?
  • Do you know there are unseen helpers with you as well as those you can see?
  • Are you stretching when needed, but not over-stretching?

Now is the time to really go within and release all of the old baggage you may have been carrying around with you from things from your past. Looking within and seeing what no longer serves you and releasing it. Looking within and determining what it is you want in your life and what you no longer want.


What are ways you can do this?


Journal. Get yourself a notebook or a beautiful journal. Find yourself a writing instrument and start writing. Journaling can be used to release the old as well as list out what you do want. 


Breathe. Yes, breathing is so important to releasing old pent up energy. Breathing is also great for grounding you, keeping you in the moment and helping you center. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.


Meditate. Meditating does not need to be some huge thing. You can meditate for 5 minutes if that’s all the time you have. Meditating is about connecting to the Divine, your Higher Self, your Angels or Guides. Meditating is about releasing thoughts that come to you about your everyday tasks and listening for the guidance you receive.


Look Inside Yourself and see what you are having a difficult time with. Are you holding on to something so tightly, an old belief maybe? Is your ego holding on to you being right? Is that what needs to go?


Look Inside Yourself.


Angel Blessings to you.



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*Created by Doreen Virtue