Dear Ones,

Today we wish to speak of past words of kindness:

  • At the base of everyone’s purpose, is to come from a place of kindness for yourself and for others. To come from a place of love, for yourself and for others.
  • So do your best to come from a place of kindness, a loving place in everything you do. That IS what makes you unique — you doing what you do, with kindness and love, your way.
  • Each person gives off an energy as they are doing or talking. The energy we see if someone is speaking loving thoughts or being considerate to another or feeling appreciation or acts of kindness, is a very light energy. It appears almost like a light mist floating up with an iridescence to it. There are some sparkles, similar to a celebration sparkler. It’s quite beautiful.
  • When you are raising your vibration, you fill with Divine love. When you are sharing a kindness with another, you fill with Divine love. When you are sharing laughter, you are also filling with Divine love.
  • In every kindness your light shines brighter. Allow your light to be the brightest it has ever been.
  • Now is the time to shine your light with your kindnesses, with your attitude of gratitude, with your listening and truly hearing, to be present in this now moment. Now is the time to allow yourself to be all of this a well as to accept this from others.
  • Being kind does not mean you have to go out of your way to do or be anything. Being kind is about doing what is at your core, deep in your heart. Being kind is what love is, it is what love does.

We are here to assist you in your acts of kindness [& other things] in any way we can. All you need do is ask.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.


Empowerment 4 You LLC

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