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Open Your Arms To Receiving* / EucalyptusYou’ve prayed for help, now be open to accepting it.


Many of us are giving, giving and more giving and we forget that there is also receiving. When was the last time you opened your arms and accepted?


The Eucalyptus is reminding us how beautiful she is and to receive. We may be asking for things either with a prayer or when setting our intents. Do we remember the next part of the process? Receiving!


If you look closely at the picture, you can see the flower itself must open up in order to receive the sun shining and any raindrops it may catch. If it were not open and ready and willing to accept, it would not receive the nourishment to keep it looking so beautiful.


There are times we don’t receive compliments easily. That’s a good place to start. Next time someone pays you a compliment, willingly and lovingly accept it. Say ‘thank you’ and nothing else, well, smile.


Look around and notice the times you may be closing yourself off to a new friendship or going somewhere because you are keeping yourself from receiving.


Start today. Open your arms to receiving, open your heart to receive.


Angel Blessings to you,



Empowerment 4 You LLC



*Flower Therapy Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves


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